If you want to stay up to date with current events, catch up on the latest developments in tech, science, music or movies, you might want to ditch the regular news and try out reading some blogs instead. Blogs offer you a different kind of perspective into things, the one you wouldn’t be able to see if you were to just follow mainstream news.
On that note, here are the best Miami education blogs and platforms you should be following in 2024.
1. Miami Art Scene

If you want to stay up to date with the latest happenings on the art scene, you should give Miami Art Scene blog a good look. They cover everything – from local to international art news to location, date and time of some of the latest exhibits. Miami Art Scene is a must-follow for every artist, art dealer, collector, curator, connoisseur, as well as your everyday, regular art aficionado.
2. The Miami Hurricane

If you want to gain an insight into a young person’s mind and learn something from them, then you should definitely give The Miami Hurricane a follow. This news platform was founded by the students at the University of Miami, so there is definitely a lot more educational content on this platform than you’d find someplace else. Even Scott Cooper Miami Beach thinks so.
3. Sink or Swim

Miami is the perfect place for a marine-life blog. Sink or Swim is a Miami-based educational blog that deals in subjects on marine life and climate change. If you ever wanted to learn more on any of the two subjects but you couldn’t find an appropriate platform – you’re in luck. This one has it all. From great articles to advocacies for change – you’ll find it all here.
4. Frost Science

If you want to take a look at what a science blog should look like, you should definitely pay Frost Science a visit. You can learn a lot by being a regular reader of this blog. They don’t post daily, but all of their posts will enrich your life tenfold. It’s quality over quantity with these guys. They don’t have a niche, per se, and you can find almost any kind of educational content on their page.
However, most of their content does revolve around marine life and ecology, similarly to Sink or Swim.
5. MIAbites

MIAbites is the epitome of a food blog you want to keep reading, but not only to learn where you should go out to eat but to also learn how to cook for yourself. See the intricate Miami food scene through the eyes of writers, bloggers, chefs and photographers and learn how to indulge all of your senses into a single plate of food. Honestly, there is no way you’re going to regret visiting this blog. You can almost smell the food through the screen.
There are so many Miami-based blogs we couldn’t name all of them even if we wanted to. Start with these five, and by the time you’re fully invested, we’re sure a couple of new ones will pique your interest, too.